Aveiro to Porto Train

Up to 20 daily departures
Departure station:
Aveiro Train Station
R. do Dr. João de Moura 2, Aveiro, Portugal
Distance by train
Distance by train:
​​60 kilometres
Arrival station:
Campanha Station
R. Pinheiro de Campanhã, 4300-173, Porto, Portugal

Aveiro to Porto Train Information

​If you're thinking about a trip from Aveiro to Porto, which is one of the most charming cities in Portugal, and want a truly convenient and no-worry trip, we suggest you take a high-speed Alfa-Pendular train. It is a one of the most comfortable and pleasant modes of transport available in Portugal. All Aveiro to Porto trains ​are air-conditioned and have spacious reclining seats, so be sure you'll have a very comfortable ride. ​Trains depart from Aveiro Train Station 15 times per day, so it's easy to find one that works for your schedule.

​Moreover, if you are looking for the distance from Faro to Lisbon or transportation from Lisbon to Lagos, you can find all the needed info on our website.

Aveiro to Porto Train Schedule

Daily departures

Daily departures

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Earliest departure


Latest departure

Latest departure

Price starts from

Price starts from


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Aveiro to Porto Railway Map

Looking for Aveiro to Porto train map? Click on the map below to zoom in your departure and arrival cities. You can check real-time timetables, travel stations, current prices, and book your ticket for this route on Rail.Ninja.

Alfa Pendular Train Map

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